17 September Day 1
Visit GKN Automotive plant
Guided visit in small groups to the plant of GKN Automotive, a multinational engineering and manufacturing company dedicated to providing mass production solutions for mobility. <ul> <li><span class="OYPEnA font-feature-liga-off font-feature-clig-off font-feature-calt-off text-decoration-none text-strikethrough-none">Calle Citroën, 5, 36210 Vigo, Pontevedra</span></li> </ul>
17 September Day 1
Networking cocktail
Semi-formal cocktail to promote networking among speakers, attendees, authorities and leading industry entities participating in the III AutoMob Summit. <ul> <li>Albatros Restaurant, Transatlantic pier, Inside maritime station, 36201 Vigo, Pontevedra</li> </ul>
18 September Day 2
Welcome coffee
18 September Day 2
18 September Day 2
The future of the automotive industry: OEMs
18 September Day 2
Automotive value chain: challenges and paradigm shifts
18 September Day 2
From manufacturing to marketing: an international view
18 September Day 2
Coffee networking
18 September Day 2
Electric vehicle: challenges & paradigm
18 September Day 2
Freight transport: the challenge of sustainability in a globalised environment
18 September Day 2
Passenger transport: where is the mobility of the future heading?
18 September Day 2
18 September Day 2
Networking Cocktail